thank you so much for your interest in joining Call of the Lotus. I want to be sure that everyone has the
opportunity to follow the call & join our voyage without any financial barriers holding them back as much as I am able.
I strive to make this apprenticeship as accessible to all income brackets + walks of life as possible while also supporting
all of the work that goes into creating this container, making + providing all of your medicines, proper energetic
exchange in sharing years of study + work, and the time of a 7-month commitment.
Pillar of Support offers Financial Aid
of $122 per month for 10 months (total tuition $1,122).
Please only apply if you are deeply committed to joining Call of the Lotus and truly experiencing financial hardship and with no expendable income.
Financial Support is made priority for those living in the low income bracket, BIPOC, those living with disabilities, and single parents.