| MONTH 3 |

Devotion to the Self
+ Inner Cultivation

solar | fire | oil + candle

awakening our inner fires, death + transformation, grief, warming the body, soul retrieval, candle magik, Nefertum + Sun Gods.


  • JANUARY 4th | 5pm est

    Opening Ceremony
    Awakening Inner Fires: Connecting to the Soul through Grief + Death

  • JANUARY 16th | 5pm est.

    Lotus Candle Ceremony + Communing with Nefertum

  • JANUARY 30th | 12pm est.

    Share + Study + Integration Circle

Do you know magic?
Can you utter the name of your soul
and bring yourself back to light?
Can you speak your destiny,
create life for yourself from yourself
as Temu created Ra?
From the light of your works
do you know who you are?

*click above to be directed to a section



This month, we attune to the solar energies of the Lotus. It is here where Lotus begins to form its vibrant yellow center, the Seat of the Self, the soul - while still remaining underwater - inner cultivation.

Lotus is a vibrant ally for the Solar Plexus.
Our Solar Plexus is our relationship between the self + the center from which we act in the world.


Lotus in the Solar invites us to come into devotion of getting to know ourselves, breathe in the presence of who we are and bask in our own light. Lotus shows us how to cultivate our inner light - to nurture our essence, get to know ourselves deeply, reclaim our souls, remember, set fire to aspects that are clouding us from being in our authenticity, and surrender to the death in order to become.

Gift yourself time + presence to do the things that light you up, spark your excitement or curiosity,
make you feel good and joyful. It is here, in the raw + silent presence of being with ourselves that we can sweet
talk our inner flames and cultivate them to grow strong from the most unique light of our authenticity.
Tune out of the outside/societal noise + listen and feel from within. Allow yourself to know the sound of your own innate wisdom, power, and truth. It is here where you learn to trust yourself and your yes - where you know yourself so well that someone else’s judgment or projection doesn’t permeate that. It is here we are not seeking anything or anyone outside of ourselves to validate us or lift us up. THIS is power.

What brings you joy? What makes you happy? What do you love to do with yourself?
What makes you come back home into yourself + makes you feel whole again? What do you love? When do you feel like your most vibrant and radiant self?


“We are on a journey of becoming that which we already are,
that is the impossible paradox of our lives.

There’s absolutely nothing I need to become. Just parts of myself that I need to discover.”


In the solar plexus, Blue Lotus has this ability to shine light into the places that need to be seen + transmuted - fears, pain, past selves, old habits, etc. so we can let go and live a more fully liberated life.

We throw shame, judgment, and comparison into the fires of transformation when we strengthen + cultivate our light with what brings us joy and makes us feel good.

Lotus gives us the courage + support to do so without fear and with ease.

Through this we begin to reclaim the parts of ourselves and remember who we are - for we are becoming who we already are, deeper + deeper, in the spiral of life.

This month, I invite you to take some time to really know yourself deeper, to spend time with yourself, do things that spark joy, do things that make you feel closer to yourself, spend time cultivating your inner light, and tune in to what dims or takes from your light and cut it out this month and see how that shifts your relationship with yourself.

Here we re-member, re-claim, and bring ourselves into true wholeness + authenticity.


Most likely by now, most of us have experienced the activating energy of working with Blue Lotus.
Lotus activates our Crown + 3rd Eye for visioning, and Lotus also activates our Solar Plexus + life force energy in a very unique way. Sometimes it is loud, sometimes is it subtle. Lotus has a beautiful medicine in building our natural Chi/Life Force Energy within that allows us to move and act in the world without the mind, guided by our sparked flame. Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed by it and ungrounded - but I have found that really Lotus is gifting us an opportunity to feel the power + energy we hold within us and to really use it towards our purpose in life.

If we go with it and feel into this activation - we can be guided into how we want to use our energy, what brings us joy, and what we are being invited to do with it that maybe is beyond what we could have imagined.

When you feel this activation, take a pause + breathe here, and ask yourself + Lotus -

What am I invited to do with this energy? How do I want to use my energy?

It is here they also may show us what is taking away our energy + our light, what is bringing on fear or stifling us.
Lean into it, explore what is here.



| o i l |

Work with your body oil this month - oiling + anointing as you feel called to.

Using it in ritual to cultivate your inner light. Maybe oiling your belly and letting it soak in the sun.

Maybe you want to oil your entire body, or massage certain parts.

Re-visit the Grief ritual and continue to move + transmute energy using your oil.

Body Oiling is a beautiful ritual for self-cultivation + getting to know yourself more.

Tune in to how it feels to use Lotus in this way.



  • Sit with a cup of Lotus tea or Lotus Cordial/Glycerine in meditation, bring your presence here, and then visit some of these self-inquiries with Lotus helping guide you…

    What brings me joy?

    When do I feel like my most vibrant and radiant self, comfortable + in tune with who I am?

    What do I enjoy doing when I’m alone with myself?

    What makes me feel whole again when I feel out of touch with myself?

    What gives me energy?

    What drains me of my energy?

    Who am I outside of my roles + responsibilities?

    If I had nothing to do, I would …

    I AM … *write what you know about yourself outside of roles + responsibilities.

  • Outside or find a place in your home that gets direct sunlight. Sit here and sip Lotus, maybe use your Lotus oil - meditate and bring your presence to the solar energies here.

  • Massage your belly in ritual with your Oil - moving both hands in big circles around your belly button, moving down the left + up the right. This motion is the elimination tract that allows you to clear + move unwanted energy in your solar.

  • Draw a wheel (like the flower wheel I shared in our Community Page) and fill it with activities and things that bring you Joy + allow for self-cultivation. Choose one to do everyday.

  • I find that taking a break from the social media noise helps allow one to really tune into their own energy. Clearing out the outside noise, comparison, and energy wasting - and making room for what truly brings you joy and allowing you to be in your own energy. Very profound for this month.

  • Re-visit the ritual Shaina shared with us in Opening Ceremony. Go deeper here as you feel called to.

  • Anoint your belly with your Lotus Oil and do at least 3 minutes of Breath of Fire. This practice puts energy in the system and strengthens the solar plexus + chi energy. Do not do if you are bleeding or pregnant.

  • Do something special with yourself. Court your flame, spark your light!



  • Awakening Osiris by Normandi Ellis

    A translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead

  • The Smell of Rain on Dust by Martin Prechtel

    A book of Grief + Praise
    ”profound insights on the relationship between grief and praise in our culture - how the inability that many of us have to grieve and weep properly for the dead is deeply linked with the inability to give praise for living. “





Awakening Inner Fires:
Connecting to the Soul
through Grief + Death

with Guest Guide + Lotus sister Shaina Garfield

Together we will sit in a Tea Ceremony + Meditation with Blue Lotus and go into a beautiful ritual with our oil to awaken our inner fires, connect with our Soul, and transmute grief + death held in our bodies.
An important + profound layer in our journey with Lotus.

Preparing For Ceremony
Create sacred space in whatever way feels good to you.
Maybe you want to gather some sacred objects for your altar that represent the element of fire, of the soul, of the sun, of transformation.

- Wear loose clothing & something sleeveless - we will be oiling our bellies, arms, chest, etc. So wear something that allows you to oil yourself and not get your clothes oily.

Have With You
A cup of Lotus Tea Infusion.
- Your Lotus + Micca Body Oil, the large bottle with black cap.
- Sacred smoke + a light.
- Your Journal & Pen.



Together we will listen to the story of creation as it’s told in the Book of Coming Forth by Day - in which creation began with the cultivation of the sun through the Lotus + Nefertum/Temu. We will connect and soak in this special story and drop in to a Plant Spirit Tea Meditation with Lotus. Once we are attuned, I will guide us in a Candle Magik Ceremony with our Lotus candle, where we connect to the element of Fire and cast out our spells for the Self in the name of Nefertum.

You will learn the Sacred Agreements + laws of candle magik + spell/prayer work before we begin.

Preparing For Ceremony
Prepare a light infusion of Lotus.
- Set up in a clear space, keeping your altar + setup simple.

Have With You
A cup of Lotus Tea Infusion.
- Your Lotus Taper Candle.
- Your Lotus + Micca Body Oil, the large bottle with black cap.
- Sacred smoke + a light.
- Your Journal & Pen.